Thursday, April 22, 2010

Earth Day

There have certainly been many campaigns imploring individuals to "go green". I like Fox's new "Green it, Mean It!" slogan because, well, it rhymes. But has that worked? Really? after all those campaigns, is the crisis averted? No. Despite all these, we still have a BIG problem. Hm. Maybe, contrary to what Walmart says, the "small steps you take to help the Earth" don't make a lick of difference in the face of the monumental problem our planet faces. I am so sick of the "if each person turned off the lights when they left the room, we could save enough energy to power a neighborhood for a week." Its not that this is wrong, but making the emphasis individual change distracts us. Change must be societal and top-down!

Worldwide, an estimated 15 billion coffee trees are grown on 100,000 km2 (39,000 sq mi) of some of the most fertile land that exists anywhere on earth. They are labor and resource intensive and they produce NO edible calories while motivating people to cut down rain forest to make way for more. So what should we do? Have an ad campaign imploring us to drink less coffee? Fuck no! We should rip out all the world's coffee trees and plant real FOOD. That's how to actually deal with the problem, that's how to feed the billions of people in the world that live on less than 700 calories a day! Sounds like too big of a project? Sound unreasonable? Well there just isn't going to be a convent solution to the huge fucking problems we face! Global crises don't get fixed by actions that are convenient.

Joke of the Day: Our obsession and fascination with "Celebrity culture" when there are so many more important things in life.

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