Friday, April 16, 2010


If individuals would try to make out world just a little bit more interesting , we would all have a much better day to day existence. A much funner existence surely.

What am I talking about? Random acts of... interesting-ness.

Do something different.

Wear neon pink sun glasses. Complement your roommate. Make a abstract sketch or doodle and then leave it under the windshield wiper of a stranger's car. Meditate on the grass in the quad. Play the devils advocate in an argument in which you would normally argue the other way. Recommend the great Updike short story you just stumbled across. Yell. Write something crazy on the chalk board 20 minutes before the class and watch people's reactions as they come in. Humor a telemarketer. Actually smell the roses.

I can't put a precise description on my prescription besides this: Do something different, for yourself and for everyone else, just for the sake of pushing the world an inch away from it's droning normalcy.

Joke of the Day: An Irishman walks into a bar with a steering wheel in the front of his pants. The bartender says, "Whats up with that steering wheel?" and the Irishman replies, "It's driving me' nuts!"

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