Monday, April 19, 2010

Throw on One Leg

--Ultimate related

Next time you go out to practice throwing, try throwing while only standing on your pivot foot for a couple minutes. This drill accomplishes a few things. First and foremost, it quickly shows you how utterly reliant you are on your non-pivot foot step; most people train themselves to throw incorporating that step but it is very limiting to only be able to do things a certain way. It is just intuitional fact that your body will be put in varying complex situations during a game and if you have trained yourself to have very specific, interrelated mechanics, you will not be able to perform when the game situation does not allow you to operate exactly how you trained.

Next, it teaches you balance - a balance very different than you are used to. While throwing 1 legged, I experience a very interesting proprioceptive phenomenon: I can feel the hip torque and its connection to arm movement a lot more. I don't really know how to describe this better; you just gotta try it for yourself and pay attention to the sensations that are different than "regular" throwing.

Lastly, give-and-goes are thrown with the non-pivot foot off the ground and this is a good way to work on the fundamentals that rarely get addressed in traditional Ultimate pedagogy.

Joke of the Day: Why didn't the Buddhist vacuum in the corners? Because he doesn't have any attachments.

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